Two-Letter Codes
An interesting feature of MyShortlist is its compatibility with a large variety of Joomla components. To easily differentiate among all those different components, we have implemented a two-letter code system by assigning a unique two-letter code for each of our compatible components. Here's an exhaustive list of these two letter codes:
Default (no code): Joomla Articles | ad: Ads Manager Ads | am: AcyMailing Newsletters | ap: AcePolls Polls | bd: JBusinessDirectory Companies | be: JBusinessDirectory Events |
bo: JBusinessDirectory Offers | c1: Custom: com_belege | c2: Custom: com_aposhop | c3: Custom: com_debesorger | c4: Custom: com_umsatz | c5: Custom: com_gewinnspiel |
c6: Custom: com_wafo | c7: Custom: | c8: Custom: com_debesorgerall | ca: Joomla Categories | cb: CommunityBuilder Profiles | ct: ContentBuilder Articles |
d2: DJClassfieds2 (custom version) | dc: DOCman Files | de: DJEvents Events | dj: DJClassifieds Items | dl: DPCalendar Locations | do: Custom: com_dodboken |
dp: DPCalendar Events | e2: EventBooking Events (newer version) | eb: EventBooking Events | ec: EDocman Categories | ed: EDocman Documents | ee: Easy Social Events |
eg: Easy Social Groups | ei: EasyDiscuss Posts | el: EventList Events | ep: Easy Profile Users | es: Easy Social Profiles | ez: EZRealty Properties |
fc: FlexiContent Items | fp: FAQ Book Pro Questions | ga: JoomGalaxy Items | gb: Gridbox Pages | gi: Custom: com_ginv | gu: iGuru Courses |
hd: HDVideoShare Videos | hk: HikaShop Items | hs: HotSpots Hot Spots | ig: Ignite Gallery Galleries | ip: IProperty Properties | j2: JDownloads 2 Downloads |
jb: JobBoard Jobs | jc: Joomla Contacts | jd: JDownloads Downloads | je: JEA Items | jg: JomSocial Groups | jh: JoomShopping Products |
jl: JEvents Locations | jn: JEvents Events | js: JomSocial Profiles | jv: JomSocial Events | jx: JUX Timetable Events | k2: K2 Items |
kc: K2 Categories | kf: Kunena Forum Topics | ku: K2 Users | le: SP LMS Events | lf: LoveFactory Profiles | lm: SP LMS Courses |
ls: SP LMS Lessons | lt: SP LMS Teachers | ma: Matukio Events | mc: MultiCategories Articles | mg: MagicGallery Resource | ml: MyMaps Locations |
mt: MosetsTree Items | mx: MyShortlist Custom Blocks | nl: NS Pro Subscribers | ns: NS Pro Newsletters | ob: OS Services Booking Service | op: OSProperty Properties |
pr: Properties Products | rd: RSDirectory Entries | re: RealEstateManager Houses | rs: RSMediaGallery Items | sb: SP Page Builder Pages | so: ShopOffers Offers |
sp: SobiPro Items | vc: EventBooking Categories | vi: JoomVideos Videos | vm: Virtuemart Products | vp: VipPortfolio Items | vr: VRestaurant Restaurants |
yp: Easy Social Pages | z2: ZOO Pages | zb: EasyBlog Items | zo: ZOO Items |
Last Update: 13/06/2024
Two-Letter Codes in Item Layouts
The most important use of these two-letter codes is in the item layouts. Below are the default item layouts included in MyShortlist.
As you can see, each item layout name starts with a two-letter code. MyShortlist automatically selects the layout to use depending on the component of the saved item. If no specific layout is found, the file default_item.php
is used.