Frequently Asked Questions for Auto Cards - URL Embedder for Joomla!

This article describes how to install and use Auto Cards, or how to solve any common problems that you may face with it.
If you cannot seem to find what you are looking for, you can search the Auto Cards forum, or contact me.

General Questions

Auto Cards can be used to present related content, affiliate links or just about anything by simply copying a URL. The rest is done by Auto Cards. It automatically creates awesome looking cards with image, title, description and other information that may be available, like the price of an item for sale.

No. Auto Cards is a Joomla! extension and can only be used within the Joomla! CMS.

That is very simple. You just login with your user account and navigate to Connect > My Purchases. Since July 2017, you can also use the Joomla! Updater feature!

Please refer to the Auto Cards download page, on the right.

Auto Cards works with URLs to load information about a page. A URL is the page address of the page you want to load. For example, this website's URL is If you copy that into Auto Cards, it will create a beautiful card showing our website's intro image, title and description. Feel free to try it out! We have absolutely no problem if you want to link to us :-)

Yes! All of its layouts are 100% responsive and awesome! Did I already mention how awesome this module is?

Payment & License

You get an installation file over which you have unlimited usage rights on unlimited domains and websites. You get unlimited support (please read the Terms of Service for more information) and free updates for 1 year. After that, you may continue to use Auto Cards as you did, but to be able to receive updates, you would have to renew your license.

When you download Auto Cards, you get unlimited usage rights. That means you can install it on a friend's site, but they won't be able to receive direct support or updates, and you should not publicly share the zip archive you download.

Well, that is because extensions are not developed and maintained by a large company, but rather by Christopher Mavros, the developer and owner of this website. That means no expensive equipment and no large facilities, which results in low-cost development, and thus, low-cost extensions.

Installation & Configuration

To install Auto Cards, you follow the usual steps, as with installing any other Joomla! extension.

Navigate to Extensions > Manage, and under the tab "Upload Package File", you select the zip archive you downloaded from, and click "Upload & Install".

Wait until the package file gets installed and you should see a completion message. You are ready to go.

Auto Cards is a plug-and-play module. After installing, the only thing you need to do, is load the URLs you want to show in it, and publish it! That's all!

The default layout is Masonry. Currently, there are three available layouts: grid, carousel and masonry. To switch between these layouts, please go to the module options, and under the tab View Options, select your desired layout.

When editing the module, go to the View Options tab and select the Cards Per row you would like to have. Please note that on smaller screens, Auto Cards may automatically show only one card per row, to avoid breaking the page layout.

Extension Usage

No. It can be used on unlimited sites and domains, with unlimited DB records. Enjoy ;)

Yes. Auto Cards can automatically create cards from Joomla pages, by copying the URL of the article page and inserting it in Auto Cards.

Yes. Auto Cards creates awesome cards from Virtuemart pages. All you have to do is copy the URL of a virtuemart item page and insert it in Auto Cards.

Sure. Auto Cards lets you create as many modules as you wish, and show them in the same or different pages of your Joomla website.

Yes. With a simple drag and drop interface.

No. Any changes in the cards are auto-saved. However, if you edit any of the module options, like the pre-text or the view options, you do have to save.

Advanced Configuration

Images from embedded URLs can vary a lot in size. Some of them may be landscape and others may be portrait. In order to maintain a uniform look, images are presented with a fixed height by default, and the image floats as best as possible to cover the card width. This may leave gaps on the side for portrait images, or crop the sides for landscape images.

The image height parameter lets you choose the height that suits you best.

Auto Height images are just presented at their original size.

Titles and descriptions in each embedded page may vary greatly. These options allow you to set the maximum amount of lines that the title and description may occupy. If "Fix Heights" is on, then each card title and description automatically occupies its maximum space, so that all cards have equal heights.

In Carousel and Grid layouts, this option should be enabled. This option makes all card titles and descriptions automatically occupy the maximum amount of lines they should, so that all cards have equal heights. Did I get a chance  to tell you how much I love this module, yet?

Common Problems

It is important to understand that Auto Cards creates cards by loading information from a website, pretty much like most social networks and message applications do. In a more technical approach, the order (and often importance) in which information is parsed is this:

  1. JSON Microdata
  2. General meta data
  3. Open Graph data
  4. Favicon
  5. Other Icons (apple-touch-icon, apple-touch-icon-precomposed, msapplication-TileImage, icon, any img tag)

We have included an advanced option that sets the minimum width an icon must have to be considered suitable as a card image. You can lower that, in order to load smaller icons as card images. You can find it in the Module Options, Advanced Options tab, called Minimum Icon Width.

If the card still shows up without an image, this may mean that the copied page may need some work. We suggest including Open Graph meta data, which are quite easy and there are very nice existing plugins that can help you do that. If you still think this is a mistake, feel free to contact me!

The default layout for Auto Cards is masonry. In order to look good as a masonry, we have allowed cards to have a different height. However, we have included an option that makes all cards have the same height. In the Module Options, in the View Options tab, please set Fix Heights to Yes.

This is a usual problem, which only happens if you have not configured your Update Options properly. Since this is a commercial extension, your account username and Paypal email are required for security reasons. If you do not know your account username, please search your inbox for the automatic message sent to your address right after purchasing Auto Cards.