Invisible reCaptcha failed, user cannot send the form again

2 years 10 months ago #1 by Nathanael
When the invisible reCaptcha failed the user cannot retry to send the form again. If he attempts to send it again a prompt comes up that says something like "Do the anti-spam check again" but of course you can't do an invisible reCaptcha "again" because it is invisible

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2 years 10 months ago #2 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Invisible reCaptcha failed, user cannot send the form again
Hello Nathaniel and thank you for posting.
I understand the problem.
However, I have a question. Is it the anti-spam that failed, or is it something else in the form that fails, and then it says that the anti-spam fails?
Thanks again.

Christopher Mavros
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2 years 10 months ago #3 by Jeremy

I am having the same issue, but I am using the I am not a Robot version 2 of Google ReCaptcha. and it keeps giving me the error Wrong anti-spam answer, when mine is just a check mark, not an actual answer.

Kindest Regards,

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2 years 10 months ago #4 by Nathanael
The form works most of the time. I think it is to be expected that the spam check fails sometimes. The problem is simply that the user cannot submit the form a second time because the spam task has also to be done again but there is no task to do when invisible recaptcha is used. If the user reloads the page some browsers empty the fields which is annoying for users or they falsly assume the data has been sent.

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2 years 10 months ago #5 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Invisible reCaptcha failed, user cannot send the form again
Jeremy, I think you're not having the exact same issue. Maybe something else is failing. Can you please start a separate thread so that we can check on it?

Nathanael, I checked the form, and as you mentioned, the form worked. I'm guessing that the invisible captcha will fail if you reload the page many times.
Personally, I'm against using the Invisible captcha. If you have a module form that appears on all pages, soon you will start getting a popup to select trains or traffic lights directly on page load, for no reason.
If you just include it in a contact form, I'm guessing that it will work, but as expected, it will fail a few times. What I have to suggest (which is not the best solution at all, but the only possible solution with invisible captchas) is to create a language override of the error text, and rephrase it to tell the user to refresh the page. However, if they do so, they will lose all their existing form input.
The text that you would need to override is COM_RAPIDCONTACTEX_FORM_AN_ERROR_OCCURRED. The default value of this text is: "An error occurred. Please complete the captcha again, and try one more time."
I hope this makes sense, as we have almost no control on how the captcha works.

Jeremy, maybe this will work for you too. You can change the WRONG_ANTI_SPAM_ANSWER text, which is generic and make it say what you need to.

Christopher Mavros
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2 years 10 months ago - 2 years 10 months ago #6 by Jeremy
Well in my testing I am getting the auto response thank you message email and proof that the form is submitted, just still getting that Wrong Anti-Spam error on the website. I will try and do the language override like in the previous post. My concern is saying I change it to what I want it to say, it will still show up on the page with users' information filled in the form. Try it here,, you will see what I mean.

Kindest Regards,

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